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The Love Maker...

Have you fallen in love lately?

With an initial love for poetry, Tucora Monique has always found solace in words and power in writing. Born and raised in Los Angeles, California she used her imagination to shift her focus from gritty surroundings and escaped through her creativity. After having children, marrying her soulmate and securing a job society deemed socially acceptable, Tucora Monique decided to take the steps to become a published author. Contrary to what many believe, Tucora Monique finds that words written can be even more powerful than those spoken. Penning both Interracial and African American Romance, the author is a firm advocate for flawed hearts deserving of second chances.

Bask in Love with Me....

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"And I don't really need to be if I can't be with you."

-Beyoncé Knowles-Carter

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