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Can I Stay?

Can I Stay?

“I can see we lost our way. Never felt like we were here to stay. But it doesn’t mean I didn’t feel anything at all.”— SIR

Maintaining perfection used to be easy for Savannah Cheek. At twenty-four, she’s an award-winning equestrian, engaged to a rising attorney, and the daughter of a testy politician whose atypical views have seemingly begun to ruffle feathers. No stranger to living life under a scope, Savannah believes she’ll be faced with more restrictions when a military man is hired as her bodyguard. Nevertheless, the closeness may not only give a clearer view into her secrets but possibly provide a key to her sanctuary.

Saadiq Views, the decorated vet, is having a difficult time remaining content. Adjusting to civilian life without the family he started with and now living with partial hearing, the young solider is in need of consistency. After receiving a referral to work on the Councilwoman’s estate, Views sees the opportunity as a healthy distraction from alcohol and a way to focus on anything but love. However, the beauty he’s enlisted to protect may require more coverage than expected and more tenderness than he knows how to provide.

With energy thick enough to slice war wounds, and a blossoming connection rooted in intrusive gestures, will Savannah and Saadiq choose to stay?

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